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《Australian Social Work》2013,66(4):394-407
This article presents an analysis of the interactions between gender and class in the career pathways of social workers practising as counsellors and psychotherapists. Gender is one of the strong patterns found in the empirical data generated by a qualitative study of the professional identity of practitioners in social work. Gender was found to have a strong influence on the career choices made by men and women in social work. Women in the sample have pursued career directions that continue to have a strong clinical focus, combined with other roles such as management, supervision and training. They are more likely to express the need to balance their working lives with the needs of their families. Men are more likely to single-mindedly pursue careers in management and to express feelings of responsibility to provide for their families once children are born. However, the analysis of data also found that men were more likely to identify their family origins as working class, while women identify their family backgrounds as middle class. This patterning shows the complex interactions between gender and class in determining life outcomes. These differential pathways and work preferences need to be recognised and addressed to work towards more equitable outcomes for practitioners within social work, so that structural disadvantages on the basis of gender and class are challenged rather than replicated.  相似文献   
杨丁懿 《现代交际》2013,(12):197-198
随着我国高等教育的规模日益壮大,对高校教育管理工作提出了更高的要求。建立一支专业水平高,业务能力强的专业化高校教育管理队伍非常必要。高校教学管理队伍是由在高校从事教学管理工作的人员构成的队伍,其任务是建立相对稳定的教学秩序,维护教学过程的正常实施,确保教学任务的完成,以满足学生的学习成长需求,培养全面发展的优秀人才。高校教学管理队伍专业化建设,是各个高校维持教学秩序的正常运转、顺利实现人才培养目标,提高教学质量的有力保障。  相似文献   
This article reports on a study of how parental divorce affects the marriage and divorce experiences of professional women in Turkey. Drawing on the retrospective accounts of eight professional women in relation to their own divorce and those of their parents, this study highlights the role of parental divorce and cultural context in adult children's attitudes, beliefs, and experiences regarding their own union formation. Based on this small qualitative sample, results demonstrate that parental divorce affected women's entire lives, with considerable impact on their commitment to marriage and view of divorce in general. They learn from their parents that marriages can be broken when they do not function properly. As a result, instead of being more patient or self- sacrificing, as is frequently advised to women in Turkish society, the women in this study readily tended toward divorce as a viable solution to marital problems.  相似文献   

It is easy to blame the dysfunction of a family member on his or her behavioral patterns. I use the title, “It's the Relationship, Stupid!” not to talk down to family therapists, but to remind myself that the source of dysfunction is usually family relationships, especially the marriage relationship. This article gives several case studies for practical application of therapy techniques that focus on developing the “WE” of the family unit. One practical technique that I developed is a communication typology. The married couple (and family members) are divided into “Painters” and “Pointers.” This typology explains much of the conflict and mis-communication that leads to the breakdown of the “WE.” This article also presents dysfunction within the individual as a relationship problem and introduces the concept of the “spirit” of the individual as expressing the relationship the person has with self.  相似文献   
The article examines current rock culture in the Balkans as a potential vehicle for rebuilding the broken sociocultural bonds between the different post-Yugoslav societies and for creating a constructive cultural space for articulating new forms of civic and post-nationalist identities. The argument offered is that, after the sociocultural exile during the war years, rock culture in the post-conflict Balkans has considerable potential to establish itself as a popular-cultural force of ‘utopian transcendence’ of the current ethno-nationalist sociopolitical moment, and as a catalyst of the new post-Yugoslav spirit of openness, tolerance and peaceful coexistence.  相似文献   

In recent years, the participation of young women in education has been on the rise and yet many of them do not end up joining the workforce. This is particularly true for the fields of medicine, and psychology. Using a qualitative research design, we explored underlying social and psychological reasons (antecedents) for this lack of professional participation by females who had or are graduating in medical and psychology degrees. The sample of this qualitative study consisted of 67 female informants including medical doctors, medical students, psychologists, and psychology students. The results based on interpretive phenomenological analyses (IPA) indicated multiple key antecedents that play a crucial role in keeping women from their professional participation in the two fields. Results based on IPA indicated that Gender Role Beliefs and Strain, Economic Decision Making, Women’s Mobility, Role of Society, Objectification of Women and explicit Discrimination and Violence were key thematic antecedents. There were multiple subthemes that emerged as reasons why women’s participation and stay in these fields was difficult, hence creating a substantial gender gap in professional participation and success in the workforce. Knowledge and understanding of these antecedents and their role in prevalence of gender gap in workforce participation is crucial for building policies and strategies on how to engage and retain women in professional work-force. Cultural relevance and societal implications of our findings are discussed with their policy recommendations.  相似文献   
孙华  蔡平 《职业时空》2013,(10):18-21
专业社团作为学生职业能力培养的创新载体,在高职院校的专业人才培养中承担重要的社会功能.但是专业社团在高职院校的发展并不顺利,遇到经费没保障、专业技能不足、组织结构松散、培训督导滞后等诸多问题.南京城市职业学院的特色专业社团——“社工协会”三年来的社会服务实践反映了当前高职院校专业社团发展存在的共性问题,需要从增权视角进行能力建设.  相似文献   
湘江战役精神是伟大长征精神的集中体现,包含着勇于突破、勇于胜利、勇于牺牲的丰富内涵。湘江战役精神蕴含的红色资源十分丰厚,既有传统文化的“根”,也有革命精神的“魂”。数字赋能湘江战役精神能够展示革命理想高于天的形象,为民族复兴注入新的精神动力,赋予其新的时代内涵,有利于赓续传承红色文化,加强国民理想信念教育。现阶段湘江战役精神数字化传播仍存在传播主体的认知偏差、传播内容和载体有待完善、数字化人才匮乏等问题。因此,应通过加强顶层设计和政策引导、创新数字化传播载体、加强传播人才的培育和建设,为湘江战役精神传播拓展新思路和新策略,助力湘江战役精神数字传播高质量发展。  相似文献   
文化回应性教育能力主要包括态度与责任、认识与理解、技能与实践、反思与批判四个维度,以及乡土情怀、乡土知识、文化回应性教学能力、文化回应性课程能力、文化回应性评价能力、文化回应的敏感性六要目。目前,乡村教师责任担当存在理性与感性的相互割裂、乡土知识的认知与理解较为窄化零散、文化回应性教学设计和实施流于形式、文化回应性课程资源转化有限且碎片化、文化回应性评价内容和方法单一、文化回应性反思批判的敏感性薄弱等问题。基于此,需营造滋养乡村教师情感的乡村文化生态,构建文化回应的教师教育课程教学体系,聚焦乡村教育的实践情境搭建支持体系。  相似文献   
工匠精神是一种包含了爱岗敬业、精益求精、执着专注、追求卓越等一系列良好品格的精神集合体,蕴涵了包括职业文化、职业信念和职业道德等方面的要求,工匠精神与职业信念高度契合。工匠精神融入大学生职业信念培育,有助于加快建设制造强国、丰富高校思想政治教育的内容、培养时代新人以及弘扬并践行社会主义核心价值观。应坚持社会主义核心价值观导向、精神渗透、三结合、外化于行等原则。具体途径有坚持主渠道,渗透工匠精神,增强职业认同;引导职业规划,定位工匠精神,培养职业情感;加强文化熏陶,感悟工匠精神,提升职业自信;开展专业实践活动,体验工匠精神,强化职业意志。  相似文献   
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